Gardening in a Small Space

Growing 500 pounds of food in a SMALL space. Who's with us?

Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Been Awhile

We're Back!!!!

Well, I think it has been two years since my last post. Wow, having a baby will do that to you. As I looked through my old posts, I realized that my last post was about a week before morning sickness set in. Said morning sickness lasted SIX MONTHS. I wish I were kidding. So now our "baby" is over a year old and we are ready to get back to the business of sharing our successes and failures in gardening. We hope you'll join us.

Last year we did do a garden which was pretty successful. Even with a baby on board we were able to can tomatoes, have a nice batch of string beans, experiment with tomatillos, and mourn over a horrible cucumber year.

Since we are feeling feisty since we are getting full nights of sleep, my husband says to me, "I think we could grow 500 pounds of vegetable in the back yard." Ummm... I'm not sure about all this. I mean that sounds like an awful lot of produce for a 10x20 space. But Barry is always about "Bigger is Better" and if he thinks we can do it then who am I do be Debbie Downer?

Our first job was to reorganize our space. It was not feng shui. We were growing but we weren't always harvesting with ultimate success since it was a pain in the tooshie to get around. And who am I kidding, I was a little nervous about what might be lurking down there on the vermin/reptile front. So we finally took a look at Square Foot Gardening, which my father had mentioned. I had originally put it from my mind as "old school" (sorry Dad) but after taking a look at it that dude might be on to something. So what the heck! We are giving it a try.

So I'll leave you today with what our old space looked like and what we've made it into so far.
We had to take out my beloved birthday lilac bushes for more spaces. Don't worry they were adopted by friendly neighbors. The hole where the lilac bush was. As you can see below, it was tricky getting around that joint.The next picture is of the new layout.

One 3X8 box. Two 4x4 boxes and one 3 X6 box. We have already gone a little rogue from Square Foot Gardening. Next post you'll see how we put the boxes together and cool weather crops we planted.


  1. Exciting!!! Hey, I got plenty of field space if you want to come use some of mine!! :)

  2. As I drink my martini, I'm thinking "Pickled Tomato Martini"? Can't wait to see what the Parker's yield!

  3. Do Pickled Tomato Martinis go with Polenta Pizza? ;)
