Ah! At last one
of my favorite days of the year.
The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival http://www.sheepandwool.org/. Now I’ve posted about this lovely
little event in the past but just in an “I went and bought my tomatoes at the
Sheep and Wool Festival. What a
geek!” kind of way. SO this year
I’ll give you a little more detail.
This year the lucky dragees were some dear friends and my cousin Rebekah
and her husband, Kyle. Dragees, sadly, usually end up carrying a child, a pack of tomatoes and/or a Hulk size lemonade.
I’m going to digress this time and just tell you about our
wonderful day and what you should do when you visit the Festival next
year. In the next couple days I’ll post about the tomatoes that
will be joining us this year.
Your first stop will be the Thorne Farm stand www.thornefarm.com.
Their tomato plants are divine and they are so helpful and knowledgeable. An added bonus? I see they have a blog as well, which I
will be checking out. And you may want to as well http://www.thornefarm.blogspot.com/
. They are the reason so many unsuspecting friends and family have been waiting
in line with us to get into a sheep and wool festival.

A good time was had by all! $20 on vegetable plants and $40 on food...worth it!