I love, love, love planting day. The divas and their husbands all get together and we plant all the things we've been purchasing over the last few weeks. It really starts the first Saturday of May at the Sheep and Wool Festival. Now I never thought my life would lead me to being a follower and fan of a sheep and wool festival but here I am. I will drop my mother off at the airport to make her own way to the gate, I will shuffle my schedule with previous made plans, I will pass on cookouts and parties, I will drag along every willing body to pull wagons full of tomato plants to make my way to THE Sheep and Wool Festival of Howard County, Maryland. My gardening mentor first turned Barry and me onto the S&W because that is where she bought her awesome tomatoes and I wasn't taking any chances, we were doing everything the same as this gardening guru. We especially loved the "Mr. Stripey" which we now know as the German Stripey. We were so tomato happy that first year we bought 39 tomato plants.
This year was a little different. All said community members including ole hubby poo were in Las Vegas. It was like I was the only one in American not in Vegas. So let's add missing out on a trip to Vegas to go to the Sheep and Wool. I suffer for my art. Dragees this year were my father, step-mother, and friends extraordinaire. And I needed every single one of them to stock this better than ever garden.
But I digress, let me go back to the best day of the year. Planting. Planting isn't even the best part (and I do love the feeling of starting new plants especially those I started from seed), the best

Artwork at the top of the page is from the Sheep and Wool site: http://www.sheepandwool.org/index.html